20th Jan 2013, H.E. Korn Dabbaransi (Former Deputy Prime Minister of Thailand) and his assistant Mr. Prasert Piyasachadesh, also as Director of Sincere Investment Consultant, has received honorable delegation from India.
20th Jan 2013, H.E. Korn Dabbaransi (Former Deputy Prime Minister of Thailand) and his assistant Mr. Prasert Piyasachadesh, also as Director of Sincere Investment Consultant, has received honorable delegation from India.
His Excellency as shared magic number of "3.4". These nunmber come from 1.4 billion people from China, 1.2 Billion from India and 600 Million from other ASEAN Countries. The biggest market in the world that we shouldn't ignore. Specially when Thailand has become a big Business hub for all the countries through logistic connectivity and Government to Government relationship with every countries in ASEAN itself. |