India was the stronger of the two newcomers, climbing by six places to take eighth spot in the chart. The country attracted 2.06% of all inquiries on the site in March, only 0.32% more than the previous month...
People considering buying property abroad are increasingly looking at investing in Asian countries with Thailand and India making it into the top ten most searched destinations for the first time.
The latest Top of the Props report from the TheMoveChannel which ranks the most popular destinations on the overseas portal, saw potential buyers look further afield.
India was the stronger of the two newcomers, climbing by six places to take eighth spot in the chart. The country attracted 2.06% of all inquiries on the site in March, only 0.32% more than the previous month, but it has been on the up ever since last summer when it hopped four places to enter TheMoveChannel Top 20.
In the following months, India has consistently attracted more and more attention from buyers, with its share of enquiries almost doubling from 1.18% in August 2011 to last month’s 2.06%. This latest leap of six places follows a similar jump in February, completing the country’s slow and steady climb from 18th place to become one of the world’s 10 most popular property destinations.
Thailand has seen a very similar, steady rise in interest in the past year. A regular presence in TheMoveChannel Top 20, its number of inquiries grew by just 0.63% in March, but that was enough for it to leapfrog long standing rivals such as Cyprus, Germany and Cape Verde.
At the very top of the table, Spain and the United States America continued to hold onto first and second place, with Spanish property actually increasing its share of inquiries by 4.68%.
But with Brazil, Italy and Greece all losing ground, this Easter shows investors are not too afraid to look for real estate potential further afield.
Even 2011′s surprise Top 10 destination Bulgaria fell to number 15, unable to stop buyers taking their investment plans somewhere new.
‘Thailand and India have always held a certain exotic appeal for investors and expats alike. According to government figures, one third of Thailand’s property is now owned by foreigners, which proves just how popular it is,’ said director Dan Johnson.
‘With the country’s housing industry moving again after last year’s floods and nearby India boasting one of the fastest growing economies in the world, it is only natural that buyers are now looking east for exciting real estate opportunities, especially given the climate in Europe,’ he added.
Ref: www.propertycommunity.com